Children's Author

"Somewhere inside all of us is the power to change the world."
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I love stories. Especially stories for children. One of my favorites is Matilda, by Roald Dahl (notice the quote above). Below, you'll see me on the train, reading a fantastic middle grade adventure, The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle by Avi. The other picture is my already read, currently reading, and to-be-read pile (not necessarily in that order), which sits on my desk as a gentle reminder. Right now I'm busy visiting classrooms to talk about my debut novel and I'm working on writing the sequel. I will post information about my publishing journey, so whether you're a reader, a parent, an educator, or a bookseller, I'd love for you to follow along! Click HERE or on the BOOKS tab above. You can also scroll down to subscribe to my monthly newsletter.

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(Important: if you are under age 13 please ask a grown-up to sign up for you.)