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Children's Author

I didn't always want to be a writer, but I loved reading to my kids. Whether it was cuddled up in bed or on the couch, or even sitting on a too-small-for-me chair at the library, there was something magical about the books we read and the worlds they opened up. One day, when my youngest was a baby, I decided that I wanted to contribute to that magic in my own way. So little by little, over the next thirteen years, I began my writing journey. My hope is that this journey will last a lifetime.

Someday I want to write a story while gazing out the window of a castle tower, much like my friend here, James Oliver Curwood, used to do long ago. Until then, I will be content to write at my desk, or maybe on the porch where I currently live not far from the bayous of southeast Louisiana and visit Mr. Curwood and his castle whenever I make it back to my hometown.
Click here to learn about Curwood Castle.

Things I Love
Family Time! (games, music, movies, outdoor adventures)
My Catholic faith
The Chosen series
Sound of Silence - the version by Disturbed (I'm obsessed)
The graphics/artwork for the intro of Anne with an E
Northern Michigan - if you've been there then no explanation needed
Travel and history
Kid Lit but especially picture books and middle grade fiction
Cape Cod

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